Academy / Robotics Training In-Person / United States / MotoSim EG-VRC Off-Line Programming

The MotoSim EG-VRC Off-Line Programming Module teaches programmers, engineers, and service personnel the fundamentals of robot cell development and offline programming concepts based on the Motoman NX100, FS100, DX100, DX200 and YRC1000 Controller. The NX100, FS100, DX100, DX200 or YRC1000 Basic Programming Module is a prerequisite to this module. The student must also be familiar with Windows®-type software.

Students learn to develop robot workcell simulations with NX100, FS100, DX100, DX200 and YRC1000 robot controllers.

NOTE: All Training classes will be taught using the Standard Programming Pendant only.

Course Overview

This course consists of classroom lectures reinforced with demonstrations. Topics relate to real-world cell development and cycle time concerns. Students perform workshop exercises which emphasize lecture topics and can expect to spend a majority of their time in graphical cell development. Class size is kept small, typically six or fewer, to promote an interactive, hands-on learning atmosphere. This allows students to work closely with Motoman instructors to grasp the concepts of graphical off-line programming.

Course Materials

Students receive a copy of the MotoSim EG-VRC Off-Line Programming Training Manual which details the functions and operation of MotoSim. Additional handouts relate to specific topics covered in the class. Students are urged to take notes, participate in workcell labs, and bring up specific offline programming issues.


The NX100, FS100, DX100, DX200 or YRC1000 Basic Programming Module is a prerequisite to this module.


Primary topics include:
  • Software components and installation
  • Menus and dialog boxes
  • Opening and creating cells
  • Adding robots
  • Modeling equipment and parts
  • Creating robot jobs in MotoSim
  • Non-motion programming
  • Input/output use
  • Collision detection
  • OLP pick
  • Multi-tool operations


Training class schedules are subject to be changed without notice, based on instructor availability.  All Training classes are held in the Miamisburg, OH Training Facility unless other prior arrangements have been confirmed.

Attendees who complete the required number of contact hours will receive a certificate of completion.  Those who meet the contact hours requirement, and score 70% or better on the final exam, will be awarded Continuing Education Units (CEUs).

Course Details - LAST UPDATED - 02/10/2025


Feb 18(1-Seat Left), Apr 14(1-Seat Left), May 28, Jun 17


This course runs 3.0 days (19.5 contact hours / 1.9 CEUs), class starts & ends (8:30am - 4:30pm) starting on the date indicated above.



For additional assistance, please call 937-847-3307 or send your inquiries to

Register for this Course

PLEASE NOTE: We are upgrading our Learning Management System to facilitate enrollment and enable monitoring of each student's enrolled classes, scores and certificates.

Effective immediately, each student must provide their own unique email address when registering for a class.
(You may register up to six students at a time)

Primary Contact Information

Preferred Payment Method
*Do not make travel/hotel arrangements until your class has been confirmed by the Training Coordinator.
*By submitting this registration form, you agree to Yaskawa Academy's Rescheduling and Cancellation Policies
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